Aeitous / Canis Majoris XV Appeal

CKEY: Aeitous

Admin’s CKEY: bastian0930

Is this for both servers or just one? If so, which one: Golden and Sage

Which server did the ban happen on? Golden

Ban Type: Temporary

Ban Length: 1 month

Ban Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 2020-04-13 10:41

Round ID: 14601

Ban Reason: “As a borg on asimov, was killing and shocking random doors. This warrents a normal ban based on HOW MANY people died. Silicon, too. Appeal on

Appeal Reason:

I want to start right out of the gate saying I absolutely deserve a ban, my argument is with its length
As anyone checking the ban page will see, there are 3 bans listed as the time was adjusted from a reasonable week to a more outlandish month ban.

The first two bans (I assume one was an attempt to extend it) ended 2020-04-20 10:41
The final one ends 2020-05-13 10:42

This is my first ban from Beestation, having played on it for about a week(?), I logged on as per while “under the influence”, something years of player run servers should of taught me not to and engaged in bolting and electrocuting doors, something even on LRP you don’t want to do, eventually a player tried to get my attention elsewhere and as a sec borg I apprehended him and spaced him outside of arrivals.

None of this is something I’d do sober, I have enough fear of “Bwoink!” as is, and I hope to petition on the basis this is my first offence down to a 3-7 day ban for the sake of demonstrating I can play properly.

Additional Information:

I appear to also be banned from Sage, updated as per.

Same round I was “meta grudging” bass but he spent ages looking at tickets :thinking:

Being Meta grudged AND handling tickets, he is best min, bass for host

I saw the borg doing this shit, he went after my meta friend bass so had to catch these hands

But a month is a long time

Borg litterally never touched me so idk what the fuck you on.

I’ve gotta wait for opinions, however the month back is a silicon ban I believe. That’s what it should be. The week should be a normal ban.

No the ban is a server ban

You done 3 bans of various lengths all for same reason and same ban
Your very dense

:roll_eyes: that’s the joke, you ain’t my meta friend or I wouldn’t been banned for meta grudging
It was another guy

But I thought we sorted out issues out, guess you couldn’t let go of your hatred

Either way sort your admin abilities out you suck

You do bring some valid points in your appeal, and I’d like to lower it. However, our council says to wait for opinions and I sure dont feel like being demoted today

I’ll fix the month ban to be a silicon, that was the intention.

Month silicon should be fine with the warning that if you are just using bee to drunk grief, similar actions will just result in a global perma. You only have 6 living hours logged on our server. (No notes yet other than this incident.)

I’m a good boy who just had too much to drink, promise



NGL, we’re 3 days in, by the time this is finished I will of served the ban tbh


You finished this up? Just checking.

Been so busy, I forgot this! I guess we can remove the week…

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Mark it and lock it up :smiley:

Sorry about the wait, @Aeitous!

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