Admins need to die

i hate to do this again but if every single admin (also owner and coder) irl died a long excruciating death like they all get sent to a medieval torture dungeon type thing id be cool with it also i hope it happens thank you for ur time Appreciate it

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mentors too also i would tell the dungeon master guy to specifically target @Caecilius .Thank you again for ur time

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Someone is big mad
bottom text

That’s why i included mentors rat-faced snakes ZERO loyalty

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What did the scary man do to you? Did he ban you for something you did?

I hope u live and die in sweden

Somehow, I doubt yelling about how much you loathe the big bad policemen will really help. Unless your goal is to be seen as the local salt dispenser.

My hope is that you die Booboo

We’re all gonna die someday so your wish is gonna be granted. Eventually.

I take it back i’m worried about karma i hope u live forever as .U

I do live in Sweden yes but I’m very much not inclined to even look into your ban when you say all admemes should die

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ok not all admins need to die i was upset my bad

Yes admins need to be deceased
Then demoted

Kev said he was going to make me owner if I sent him nudes…I’m not owner yet

Jesus Christ my dude. Pump the brakes a little, would you?

y e a h
s u r e
c o o l


Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?
Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?

i hate to do this again but if every single admin (also owner and coder) irl died a long excruciating death like they all get sent to a medieval torture dungeon type thing id be cool with it also i hope it happens thank you for ur time Appreciate it

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i hate to do this again but if every single admin (also owner and coder) irl died a long excruciating death like they all get sent to a medieval torture dungeon type thing id be cool with it also i hope it happens thank you for ur time Appreciate it

stink, very big stink