Aden finlay Security officer player report

Yeah I have to give you that, I missed most of the convo with the antag but I can see from the logs that he said Ill do it
He then came in into shuttle brig and screamed

You as a player may know that
But what about your character?
No they do not, all they know is that all shifts so far went without a fuss and only the current shift is abnormal

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If you wanna go as a character.

Man does bomb threat in a small room filled with cops and civs.

I’d be surprised if he doesn’t get shot.


Then the incident was caused by Shotgun bullet spread roulette and heat of the moment, dunno how the deflected bullets didn’t detonate the tank on the first hit (potenital bug?). However i can’t deny that firing a shotgun targeting someone right next to a welding fuel tank next to it isn’t a good idea.

Once again, I’d say this is just a big fluke overall and just a unpleasant, yet forgettable incident that could’ve been avoided with a little more consideration, and also that’s just my opinion as a dev.


No attempt was done to talk to them,
All Aden do was shoot first ask questions later which I expected better from a staff member of all places to try to roleplay and deescalate the situation.

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I think the key takeaway was that in a shitty situation with no good answers, they chose basically the shittiest possible option and it resulted in people getting hurt. Seriously, who thinks shooting literally next to an explosive using a weapon that fires in a cone is a good idea. This resulted in breaking:

From the explosion caused by you hitting Anxiety and you apparently just shooting Anxiety again


From causing the prisoner to die because you shot the welder tank.

I don’t tthink manslaughter and high negligence is just an “oops my bad” problem especially when the potential hazard is that fucking obvious

Another thing I want to point out is this. This is a very terrible attitude to have. You obviously need to elaborate further, as you made a poor decision that resulted in a death and numerous injuries. You left out a lot of information, whether that’s intentional or not who is to say.


Closing this before it degenerates further.
Please wait for Headmins to resolve this.



so, first of all it stands to be repeated over and over and over - “Roleplay” does not mean “Act like a glorified chatroom”. It means play your role - act like your (reasonable) character would.

For a security officer or an antag ect. this can absolutely sometimes mean to shoot first ask questions later.

Now dont get me wrong - you always can talk first if you wish to and it makes sense for your character. Thats totaly fine, and i’d encourage it infact. But this dosnt have to always be the case, and sometimes just dosnt make sense.
If someones obviously insane and murderous, trying to talk to them is pretty risky and foolhardy. You can do it sure, but i wont make you.
If theres someone attempting to take hostages, make threats - it sure would be kewl if you played into that potentialy interesting situation, i agree. But i still wont force you to at banpoint.

If theres larger trends of “must win syndrome”, prioritzing getting them epic frags on the antags over whats interesting or character-sensible - then we’d have a problem.

As for the actual situation here.
What happend is secoff shoots antagman with weldertank. Due to sleeping carp, shots hit the weldertalk and it goes kablewie.

First of all. This is most definitely not grief. A bad judgement call? perhaps.
But definitely not griefing. If he deliberately shoot the tank, that would be grief.

Yes, you do have a point OP - he could have talked first before taking action. And if it was a civilian, perhaps i’d agree that that should be the first thought and not “unga go pew pew”.
But we’re not talking about a civilian, we’re talking about a Security Officer.

If you walk into a police station and pull out a grenade, what do you expect will hapen? That they try to talk you down?
Maybe, but i highly doubt it. You’re gonna get shot or at the verry minimum tackled to the ground.

I’d honestly leave it at that, if it was just any bomb. I agree however with the discussion that went on in the thread that shooting someone with a weldertank is foolish.

Im a bit split on that detail, to be quite honest. Since, on one hand - yes, shooting the man with a weldertank is a kind of stupid. But then, should we expect people to always act optimaly, and punish people for making bad calls?

I dont think so.
So heres where i conclude - i will gently encourage @Tamus to excercise a bit more caution.
But even if things coulda gone better here, i dont see any violations of the rules or staff conduct here.
Which is why i will reject the report.

If theres a general trend of “i must kill muh antags”, please do report this. But i shall not infer such from isolated report.