Add bluespace miner boards to Charlie station and derelict station

I think two is enough on each of them. First, it would give people an actual reason to loot these two places. Second, it would make Charlie station and derelict able to run independently from the station. On Charlie you don’t even get diamonds from the hivebot ship, and you have to pray to the space gods so that you get lucky and find diamonds on one of the few random rocks around. On derelict it’s even worse, you have no methods of getting mats unless you somehow get to lavaland or steal from station. The addition of bs miner boards can effectively remove these two problems, which is also the main reason why people don’t play derelict ever. Not to mention it wouldn’t even be that broken as the maximum 4 bs miners wouldn’t even compare to what a miner can get in five minutes.


They aren’t meant to run forever. That’s kinda their gimmick is that they’re limited.


Then at least give Charlie station diamonds so that they can make tier four parts. Currently you don’t get enough mats for a teleporter on Charlie, so you’re being actively limited unless you manage to find diamonds, which severely limits the RnD aspect of Charlie. And for derelict your objective is to repair it, not to rip up every window and floor tile in sight just to get enough mats for one single rcd. On derelict you literally don’t get enough mats to repair it to the bare minimum, as such drones have to mass drive themselves and go rob the station, which I doubt both drones or crew would like. This is why I think it’s good for both crewmates and the ghosts spawns, it actually makes derelict and Charlie worth a damn to loot and to play as well.

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I agree, what’s the point of repairing Charlie station ss a ghost role if you can’t even fully repair it without outside help


is a protolathe not enough for space explorers nowadays?

Charlie shouldn’t be allowed to leave the station, people are using charlie as a way of re-joining the round, which is cringe

Tho, fyi, people are still managing to build teleporters and stuff fyi, you gotta get robust

I think adding BS miners will make it not a requirement to visit the station. Right now you can only build chalrie station to leave for normal station due to mat contstraints essentialy being a respawn. Even when I played charlie I went to the station to gather mats and parts to use on charlie, something I woundlt have to do if I had mats

You can get the mats with some luck. but this at all isant intended and you shoundlt

If you wanna know the exact numbers to make a teleporter, you need two sheets of diamonds from the various rocks around Charlie in order to make two artificial bluespace crystals, combined with the 3 that you can find in hivebot ship to get the five required to make a full set of teleporter. So it’s not about robustness or anything, it’s about the ore spawn rng

print tracking beacon
make AI

You should be able to guess where this will go