1glitchycent mentor application redux

**Your CKEY:**1glitchycent

Your Discord:@1glitchycent#1762

How long have you been playing ss13?: Since mid 2019-ish

Who vouches for your experience (if anyone)?:

Game Experience (More Detailed): I know pretty much everything accept toxins and wizard. I’d say the things I know best are the supermatter(I’ve done 40% tritium setup)and chemistry. I know enough about most mechanics to answer most questions

I played Bee Sage back in late 2019. Also did some minor contributions to another codebase.

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le playtimes have not arrived

show em nerd


180 hours (161 hours/19 hours)

Get your hours per job ingame (should be “Tracked playtime” in OOC) and post them there, you wont gain votes otherwise.

I’m sorry, your hours are a bit low for a mentor (I’d suggest applying with something like 300h) and there isn’t anyone who vouches for you. I’m denying that appeal, but feel free to reapply later. Also next time I suggest including a screenshot of your role-specific playtime, that you can view with a verb View-tracked-playtime
