Title: 000xLynch Player Report
CKEY: Tergius
Your Discord: ThatRandomGuy#8358
Offender’s CKEY: 000xLynch
LRP or MRP server: MRP
Offender’s In-Game Name: Lynch Alucard
Date (MM-DD-YYYY): Began 2/18/20, ended 2/19/20 EST
Round Number: 12665
Rules Broken: 7
Incident Description: Maxcapped escape shuttle as a traitor without hijack or martyr objectives. While already having completed their other objectives, those being to steal the cap's jetpack and 33 research nodes.
Additional Information: Tried to justify it with apparently needing to kill the command staff for threatening to kill him over comms. When command staff was in the shuttle. While Lynch was in an escape pod. Only reason I'm making this is because the only admin on was a trial admin and couldn't get the auth. Need a fullmin to deal with this.
idk doe isn’t max caps a part of science way of mass murdering people which would fall under the ruling?
unless he wasn’t a scientist in which case big funny